# Group Botter

The Group Botter feature in Versatile is used to increase the number of members in your Roblox group. This can be an effective way to boost your group's popularity.

# How to Use the Group Botter

  1. Generate Cookies or Activate the Cookie Pool: You need cookies to authenticate the accounts that will join your group. If you don't have any, you can activate the Cookie Pool. Learn how to activate the Cookie Pool here.
  2. Prepare Your Proxies or Activate the Proxy Pool: Proxies are necessary to avoid rate limits. If you don't have any, you can activate the Proxy Pool. Learn how to activate the Proxy Pool here.
  3. Set Up a Captcha Solver: A captcha solver is required to bypass the captchas that Roblox presents. Learn how to set up a captcha solver here.
  4. Open Versatile: Once you've got your cookies, proxies, and captcha solver ready, open Versatile.
  5. Navigate to the Group Botter Feature: Find this feature in the main menu.
  6. Start the Bot: Click on 'Start' and enter the ID of the group you want to bot. The group ID is the number in the URL of the group page (e.g., https://www.roblox.com/groups/[GroupID]/groupname). Click on 'SUBMIT' to start the process.

# Configuration Options

  • threads: This determines the speed at which Versatile runs. Specifically, it's the number of requests Versatile will send simultaneously. We recommend a range from 20-80. If in doubt, choose 35.
  • solver: Here you put the name of your captcha solver. For example, if you're using capbypass.com, then add "solver": "capbypass".
  • key: You can get the randomly generated key from the captcha solver you are using.
  • use_proxy: This determines if you should use proxies or not while botting the group. We recommend leaving this on true, as setting it to false can get you rate-limited almost instantly.
  • max_retries: This is the number of attempts Versatile should make to join a group. For example, if it fails the first time due to captcha issues and you have this set to 3, it will retry 2 more times.
  • debug: Debug mode prints out error messages and shows info that Versatile would usually hide. You should keep it on false for a better experience. Only enable it when asked by staff, so they can see what error you are having.