# Linking Your Account to Discord

We strongly recommend linking your Versatile account to your Discord account. This connection allows you to reset your Hardware ID (HWID) and reset your password directly from Discord, providing an additional layer of convenience and security.

Versatile has a feature that automatically links your Versatile account with the Discord account you use to redeem your key. However, if you redeem your key through other methods, or if your Discord account is deleted, you'll need to manually establish this link.

# Steps to Link Your Account

To manually link your Versatile account to your Discord account, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the #commands channel: This is where you can interact with our bot.
  2. Run the /Link command: This command initiates the linking process.
  3. Provide your information: You'll need to provide one of the following - your Versatile key, your email, or your username.
  4. Confirm the link: An email will be sent to you with a code. Use this code to confirm the link between your accounts.

Need Help?: If you encounter any issues during this process, our support team is ready to assist. Don't hesitate to reach out!